← 메리디아(크로스모즈)문서 편집 권한이 없습니다. 다음 이유를 확인해주세요: 요청한 명령은 다음 권한을 가진 사용자에게 제한됩니다: 사용자. 문서의 원본을 보거나 복사할 수 있습니다. <span style="display:none;">프랑스 기업 앙카마가 만든 세계관 크로스모즈의 신 중 하나다.</span> [[파일:크로스모즈 메리디아.png|가운데]] ==개요== 프랑스 기업 [[앙카마]]가 만든 세계관의 신중 하나. 다른 거대한 신들과 다르게 매우 작은 것이 특징이다.<br> 매일매일 자신이 마음가는 대로 행동하며 그 행동은 12 세계에 영향을 미친다.<br> 우주에서 가장 진보된 달력인 [[알마낙스]]는 이에 영향을 받는다. [[앙카마]]가 만든 게임인 [[도푸스]]에서는 메리디아때문에 매일 [[알마낙스]]에서 주어지는 일일퀘스트가 다르다고 설명되어 있다. ==종류== [[파일:크로스모즈 메리디아 mazic.png]]<br> Mazic은 탄생의 메리디아다. 다른 메리디아들로부터 피위의 어머니라는 호칭으로 불린다.<br> 부성애가 강해 곱베테(Gobbette)나 토푼(Tofoone)과 같은 여성 생명체가 고통없이 건강하게 출산할 수 있도록 돕는 것을 좋아한다.<br> 또 새로운 계획이 시작될 때 그것에 관여하는 것을 좋아한다.<br> 독특하게 매월 1월 1일에 그 영향력을 행사한다.<br> [[파일:크로스모즈 메리디아 Arouz.png]]<br> Arouz is the Meridia of Famine. When he gets peckish for grain, he can ravage great swathes of farmland the world over, and if that sets the inhabitants back a little, it's not his problem! In his eyes, hunger is a sin... unless it's someone else's!<br> [[파일:크로스모즈 메리디아 Orage.png]]<br> Orage is the Meridia of Storms. Her raging temper has a tendency to wreak havoc! Whilst she can flip her lid anywhere at all, she usually chooses to do so over one of the world's oceans. Why? Because seeing sailors up to their necks in water really rocks her boat!<br> [[파일:크로스모즈 메리디아 Thomahon.png]]<br> Thomahon is the Meridia of the North. When visitors arrive in this part of the world, he gives them the strength they need to survive the low temperatures. Oh, and he also acts as a natural compass, so that's one less thing you have to carry today!<br> [[파일:크로스모즈 메리디아 Ling.png]]<br> Ling is the Meridia of Blizzards. Even though she's made entirely of ice, she still manages to catch cold every time winter comes around! She has a nasty habit of covering people's faces with snow (among other things...) with her sneezing fits! Leaping lizards! Or, er... blizzards?<br> [[파일:크로스모즈 메리디아 Sebklav.png]]<br> Sebklav is the Meridia of Majesty. He loves pomp and circumstance so much that he vowed to protect kings, queens and all those associated with their regal activities. But those high-flying individuals should never try to take advantage of his powers... He won't think twice before robbing them of their crown and their place on the throne!<br> [[파일:크로스모즈 메리디아 Yvad.png]]<br> Yvad is the Meridia of Mud. All he needs is some earth and a little water and he can make that age-old mixture that children love to play in so much! Seeing a Dragoturkey get its feet all mired up or a businessman slip in a dirty puddle never fail to make Yvad's day. Still, his favourite treat (and the reason he holds his job so dear) is watching two mucky adventurers wrestle it out in a pool of mud...<br> [[파일:크로스모즈 메리디아 Leszak.png]]<br> Leszak is the Meridia of Housework. You know the one... He comes to pay you a visit when you can't see the sink for dirty plates! He's also something of a writer, having coined slogans such as "Tidy your room!", "Pick up your dirty socks!" and "Flush the chain!"<br> [[파일:크로스모즈 메리디아 Stun.png]]<br> Stun is the Meridia of Perfectionism. He's always trying to edge us onwards and upwards towards perfection, no matter what we do! When artists and authors take decades to complete their masterpieces, Stun is just behind them every step of the way. Don't think that he has no time for Iops, though: even stupidity can be perfected!<br> [[파일:크로스모즈 메리디아 Troma.png]]<br> Troma is the Meridia of Speed. He hates nothing more than people who dawdle along, taking their time! Especially those who walk four abreast, pushchairs and all, in the middle of town! He vents his frustration by making other things move even faster, like Cras' arrows for example. He's also to blame for time flying when you're having fun... What a spoilsport!<br> [[파일:크로스모즈 메리디아 Ashvey.png]]<br> Ashvey is the Meridia of Reflections. He spends much of his time creating likenesses of people or things in mirrors, puddles and the like, and he keeps a collection of his best work. His favourites are pretty girls admiring themselves in the looking glass... But don't worry - he's a perfect gentleman and always closes his eyes when his subjects start getting changed!<br> [[파일:크로스모즈 메리디아 Rojers.png]]<br> Rojers is the Meridia of the Colour Grey. This non-descript entity hates all the colours, even the ones that aren't real colours! White? Too serious. Black? Too classic. Red? Too passionate. That's why Rojers spends his time painting everything grey: the sky, matter, and even your hair, if you sit still for long enough!<br> [[파일:크로스모즈 메리디아 Katlestyn.png]]<br> Katlestyn is the Meridia of the Lurgi. If your nose starts a-dripping every time winter comes around, you know who to blame! Her favourite sound is the orchestra of trumpeting hankies and sniffling noses. All together now... Aaaatchoo!<br> [[파일:크로스모즈 메리디아 Guigui.png]]<br> Guigui is the Meridia of Shivers. He gets a special thrill from seeing the hairs on your arms stand on end when you accidentally walk in on a Trool undressing! But more than anything, he loves the good vibrrrrrations - like the shiver that tingles up your spine when your crush walks by!<br> [[파일:크로스모즈 메리디아 Poupline.png]]<br> Poupline is the Meridia of the Sense of Smell. Her job is to make sure everyone knows when the steak pie has finished cooking, who the winner of Astrub in Bloom should be... and when Bworkonductor has danced the Bwork 'n' Roll for a little too long!<br> [[파일:크로스모즈 메리디아 Bubba.png]]<br> Bubba is the Meridia of Family. Nothing makes him happier than seeing several generations of a family getting together for a slap-up meal. He's the fly on the wall congratulating himself when your Kwismas holidays are the perfect illustration of warmth and family values... or cursing under his breath as they disintegrate into slanging matches and plate-throwing contests!<br> [[파일:크로스모즈 메리디아 Kia.png]]<br> Kia is the Meridia of Arachneephobia. She takes a perverse pleasure in making you leap with fright at the sight of a little Arachnee. Why? Why would she be so cruel? There's no explanation. There's no reason to Kia's rhyme! She just scuttles around, laughing like crazy! Brrrr...<br> [[파일:크로스모즈 메리디아 Yecetu.png]]<br> Yecetu is the Meridia of Fishing. She watches over fishermen and makes sure they don't go home empty-handed each night. She tickles the fish's bellies, sings them lullabies and delivers pompous rhetoric about honour and death - anything to get them to give in!<br> [[파일:크로스모즈 메리디아 Eskarina.png]]<br> Eskarina is the Meridia of Curiosity. She's always encouraging us to poke our noses into anything and everything! You know that irresistible urge to learn? (Come on... You must get that sometimes!) That's Eskarina! She also loves it when you peep through keyholes or read your sister's diary!<br> [[파일:크로스모즈 메리디아 Inkola.png]] Inkola is the Meridia of Contagion. For him, the only thing that really matters in life is sharing, whether it's laughter, tears, yawns, euphoria or the plague. Come together - what's the worst that could happen?<br> 메리디아(크로스모즈) 문서로 돌아갑니다.