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5813893 (토론 | 기여)님의 2024년 4월 22일 (월) 23:52 판

오멘은 게임 팔라딘스에 등장하는 데미지 역할군의 캐릭터로 두 가지 사격 방식을 갖고 있는 샷건을 사용하여 적에게 피해를 가한다.

Paladins Omen splash art.png
Disciple Of The Abyss
출시일: 2023.08.16
역할군: 데미지
종족: 심연의 생명체(Abyssal Creature), 변이체
소속: 심연(The Abyss)
성우: 불명






Paladins Omen Deadly Domain.png
치사성 영역[9]
Paladins RMB.png
팔라딘스 스킬 가로선.png


Paladins Omen Gravity Vice.png
악의 중력[11]
Paladins Q.png
팔라딘스 스킬 가로선.png


Paladins Omen Dark Stride.png
암흑의 활보[13]
팔라딘스 쿨다운.png 10 Paladins F.png
팔라딘스 스킬 가로선.png



악의 중력





암흑의 활보





치사성 영역












  1. Everyone Dies
  2. Hitting an enemy with Dark Stride now reduces Gravity Vice’s Cooldown by 50%, and Dark Stride’s damage is increased by 100.
  3. Umbral Lance
  4. Aphotic Reaver no longer ramps down, but its spread is reduced by 50% and its fire rate is reduced by 30%.
  5. Binary Void
  6. Deadly Domain now has 2 charges, but it's cooldown is increased by 3s.
  7. Aphotic Reaver
  8. A hybrid shotgun with two firing modes. Has a Range of 300 units and is effective up to 100 units. Applies Ominous Brand. Tap: Penumbra Mode: Deals 500 damage every 0.3s in a wide spread. Hold: Antumbra Mode. Deals 500 damage every 0.48s in a narrow spread. Fire rate and spread scale down over the first 3 shots, which resets after 1s of not firing. Passive - Ominous Brand: Branded enemies receive additional effects from Deadly Domain and Gravity Vice for 3s.
  9. Deadly Domain
  10. Place a pool of poison that lasts for 5s and increases in size over its duration. The pool Poisons enemies for 60 damage every 0.2s as long as they're within it. Enemies with Ominous Brand are also Slowed by 15%
  11. Gravity Vice
  12. Channel and alter gravity, lifting an enemy into the air for 1s before violently pushing them away from your current position for 400 damage. After pushing an enemy, Aphotic Reaver is set to Antumbra mode for 2s. Enemies with Ominous Brand are Marked and ignited when pushed, taking 15% bonus damage from Aphotic Reaver and 10 damage every 0.3s for 3s.
  13. Dark Stride
  14. Instantly dash 45 units in the direction you're moving, leaving behind Abyssal spikes that deal 30 damage every 0.2s that last for 5s. Colliding with an enemy Champion stops you and knocks them back slightly, dealing 200 damage. Applies Ominous Brand. Can be cast during Gravity Vice.
  15. Heavens Asunder
  16. Channel for 0.5s, becoming CC Immune and reducing your Movement Speed by 50%, before placing a 30 unit Blinding Abyssal Rift at the target location. After 1.5s the Blind dissipates, and the Rift fires a beam upwards dealing 666 damage every 0.15s for 6s. Applies Ominous Brand.
  17. Dark Leech
  18. Heal for {55|55} every 1s for 3s after activating Gravity Vice.
  19. Everlasting Vision
  20. Increase the range at which you can use Gravity Vice by {10|10}%.
  21. Void Choke
  22. Increase the base damage of Gravity Vice by {5|5}%.
  23. Wrathful Descent
  24. Increase the Knockback strength of Gravity Vice by {10|10}%.
  25. Dusk Trail
  26. Heal for {15|15} each time Dark Stride’s trail deals damage to an enemy.
  27. I Am Everywhere
  28. Increase your Movement Speed by {7|7}% for 3s after using Dark Stride.
  29. Lightless
  30. Increase the duration of Dark Stride’s trail by {1|1}s.
  31. Shaded Speed
  32. Increase the travel distance of Dark Stride by {10|10}%.
  33. Coming End
  34. Regenerate {1|1} Ammo every 0.5s for 1s after casting Deadly Domain.
  35. Engulfing Mire
  36. Increase the deploy range of Deadly Domain by {10|10}%.
  37. Gloom
  38. Reduce the Cooldown of Deadly Domain by {0.5|0.5}s.
  39. Noxious Guard
  40. Gain a {70|70} Shield for 3s after casting Deadly Domain.
  41. Everlasting Power
  42. Increase your Ultimate charge rate by {6|6}%.
  43. More, More, More!
  44. Increase Aphotic Reaver's Damage by 20%, but decrease your maximum Ammo by {10|-1}..
  45. Ominous Protection
  46. Increase your maximum Health by {50|50}.
  47. Pure Aggression
  48. Increase your Movement Speed by {5|5}% for 4s after getting an Elimination.