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5813893 (토론 | 기여)님의 2024년 4월 13일 (토) 00:53 판

탤러스는 게임 팔라딘스에 등장하는 플랭크 역할군의 캐릭터로 빠른 공격속도의 총을 발사하여 적에게 피해를 가한다.

Paladins Talus splash art.png
of the Ska'drin
출시일: 2017.09.20
역할군: 플랭크
종족: 스카드린(Ska'drin)
소속: 신 저항군(New Resistance)
가속도:24.08 Units/s






Paladins Talus Blitz Upper.png
급습 어퍼컷[9]
Paladins RMB.png
팔라딘스 스킬 가로선.png
앞으로 돌진해 정면의 적에게 600 데미지를 가하고 넉백을 유발합니다. 사거리는 40 유닛입니다.[10]


Paladins Talus Overcharge.png
Paladins Q.png
팔라딘스 스킬 가로선.png


Paladins Talus Rune of Travel.png
여행의 룬[13]
팔라딘스 쿨다운.png Paladins F.png
팔라딘스 스킬 가로선.png


Paladins Talus True Power.png
진정한 힘[15]
Paladins E.png
팔라딘스 스킬 가로선.png







여행의 룬





급습 어퍼컷












  1. Inner Strength
  2. Reduce the Cooldown of Overcharge and Blitz Upper by 6s when you Teleport using Rune of Travel.
  3. Faustian Bargain
  4. Rune of Travel no longer automatically activates, and if the Rune is not used the Cooldown is reset.
  5. Nothing Personal
  6. Increase your Ultimate charge rate by 15% and enemies at or below 65% Health are Revealed to you.
  7. Veracharger
  8. A fast-firing weapon that deals 110 damage every 0.095s. This weapon has a maximum Ammo count of 35 and is fully effective up to 45 units.
  9. Blitz Upper
  10. Charge forward, damaging an enemy for 600 and applying Knockback straight back. Has a range of 40 units.
  11. Overcharge
  12. Overcharge your weapon, increasing your Attack Speed by 25% and causing weapon shots to not consume Ammo. This effect lasts 3s.
  13. Rune of Travel
  14. Inscribe a Rune on the ground that can be used to Teleport back to its location after 10s or reactivation of the ability. Teleporting Cleanses all effects and Heals you for 500.
  15. True Power
  16. After a brief charge-up, target an enemy and Teleport directly to them from anywhere, dealing 600 damage and applying Knockback. Time taken to Teleport depends on your distance from the targeted enemy.
  17. Ancient Power
  18. Reduce the Cooldown of Blitz Upper by {0.5|0.5}s for each enemy hit while Overcharge is active.
  19. Antediluvian
  20. Increase the duration of Overcharge by {0.2|0.2}s.
  21. Primeval Might
  22. Gain {5|5}% Lifesteal while Overcharge is active.
  23. Reclamation
  24. Reduce the Cooldown of Overcharge by {0.5|0.5}s.
  25. Eternal
  26. Increase the duration of Rune of Travel by {1|1}s.
  27. Evanescent
  28. Increase your Movement Speed by {8|8}% while Rune of Travel is active.
  29. Revitalize
  30. Heal for {100|100} after Teleporting to your Rune of Travel.
  31. Transient
  32. Reduce the Cooldown of Rune of Travel by {1|1}s.
  33. Carry through
  34. Increase your Movement Speed by {10|10}% for 3s after hitting an enemy with Blitz Upper.
  35. Daredevil
  36. Heal for {70|70} after activating Blitz Upper.
  37. Dark Vision
  38. Generate {3|3}% Ultimate charge after hitting an enemy with Blitz Upper.
  39. Relic Affinity
  40. Increase the Knockback of Blitz Upper by {15|15}%.
  41. Guts
  42. Reduce your damage taken by {5|5}% while at or below 40% Health.
  43. Last Remnant
  44. Increase your maximum Ammo by {4|4}.
  45. Perseverance
  46. Gain {10|10}% Lifesteal while at or below 40% Health.
  47. Spirited
  48. Increase your maximum Health by {50|50}.